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Sunday, September 5, 2021

Just Some Thoughts


  Just Some Thoughts


While Reading Acts 3:1-10, the healing of the lame man it occurred to me there were two miracles here, one we immediately think of and one we may not think of quickly. The Scripture states “2And a man who had been lame from his mother’s womb was being carried along, whom they used to set down every day at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful” The man was lame from birth. He never learned to walk. He was carried everywhere he went. As he was begging, Peter and John passed by, and, in the name of Jesus, the man was healed. The miracle we see quickly is the fact he was healed and, as verse 8 says, “8With a leap he stood upright and began to walk; and he entered the temple with them, walking and leaping and praising God.” This is the second miracle we may not see as quickly. Verse 2 tells us he was born lame, he would never have learned to walk but here he is “walking and leaping”! How did he know how to walk or leap since he had never been able to do so in his 40 years of life? The answer is that God healed him COMPLETELY!! He was not just healed of his lameness but healed of what else was missing in his life, knowing how to walk. He was healed into completeness.


A second thought has to do with sickness (pandemics) and sin. Serious disease and sickness have been with humans since Adam and Eve first rebelled against God’s Word. It is a result of sin. As I was thinking about Covid my mind went to other sicknesses and pandemics. When considering the Black Death, Spanish Flu, cancer, flu, Covid, etc. I realized they and sin have much in common. As these diseases enter the world and spread rapidly, so does sin. As these diseases make people very physically ill so sin makes people very spiritually ill. As disease is contagious so sin can be contagious. As disease affects those around the one having the disease so does sin. When humans think they have a handle on a disease and a cure a new variant (mutation) develops which must be dealt with o more people die. So it is with sin. What we see in the spiritual with sin is mirrored in the physical with disease.