Study of the MENORAH
The lampstand (Menorah) was the only symbol directly given by God to Moses for the people of Israel. Specific directions were given by Y__H for making the lampstand, (Exodus 25:31-40) “Symbols such as the Menorah are not Jewish in an ethnic sense, nor even Christian in a religious sense, but they are simply Biblical in a divine sense, and therefore eternal and universal (for everyone).” (The Menorah Lamp of God by Robert Somerville.) We also see the Menorah in Revelation 4:5.
“The seven-branched candlestick is a perfect revelation of God’s plan to bring the light of the world to all men through his Son Jesus Christ and through the church….. The menorah’s base reveals the twelve tribes and the twelve apostles, the foundation of the church’s light.
The golden candlestick, then, is a depiction of both Jesus and the church as the light of the world. …. By maintaining a biblical lifestyle that is reflected in the pattern of the menorah, we let our light shine before men so that they see our good works and glorify the Father in heaven (Matthew 5:16).
It is no coincidence that God said He had ordained a lamp for his anointed ones (Psalm 132:17) and that He declared that he would not rest until His salvation will go “forth as a lamp that burns” (Isaiah 62:1). Jesus is the light of the world, and he was revealed from the midst of seven lampstands (Revelation 1:12, 13). If God’s people are the light of the world, it will also be revealed in the menorah. (Our Lost Legacy, John D. Garr Ph.D. Th.D.,
While we usually look at the form of the lampstand it is important to remember function comes first in Hebrew thinking. The obvious function of a lampstand is to give light. When looking at the menorah we can see function is both spiritual and physical. The obvious physical function is to provide light for people. The spiritual function is the same, but the light provided is God’s light to people.
As a lampstand requires specific elements to provide light so the menorah has specific elements to provide both physical and spiritual light. In biblical times oil, a wick and a receptacle to hold them were used to provide light. Without at least these three the light would not happen. Y__H was very specific about how His lampstand was to be made (Hebrews 8:5). There is a reason for every element and spiritual light will not happen unless all elements are present and built according to the pattern God gave. God gave the pattern for a reason. Who are we to change or discount God’s instructions and pattern.
The lampstand was to have six branches, three on each side of the main shaft for a total of seven branches for seven lights. The lampstand originally had a tripod base and later twelve stones for its foundation were added. It had 72 knobs and flowers (decorations) on the branches. (Exodus 37:17-24) A number of translations state 70 decorations but the Hebrew and Greek are quite clear the number is 72.
Not Specified
Eph 2:20
The foundation has been described as three legs. This would symbolize the Trinity. On the Arch of Trajan it is shown as 12 Foundation Stones. Perhaps indicating the 12 tribes of Israel and 12 Apostles
72 knobs and flowers
Exodus 25:31-40
Luke 10:1-12
Hebrews 8:1-6
72 prophets in Exodus and that Jesus sent out.
12 knobs and flowers on each candle shaft
Exodus 25:31-40
Hebrews 8:1-6
12 princes if the 12 tribes of Israel and 12 apostles.
7 candle shafts
Exodus 25:31-40
Hebrews 8:1-6
Rev. 1:12-16
Rev. 2:1-3:22
Seven Spirits from/of God.
7 flames
Exodus 25:31-40
Hebrews 8:1-6 Rev. 1:12-16
Rev. 2:1-3:22
Seven Spirits from/of God.
Isaiah enumerated the seven spirits as 1) the Spirit of the Lord, 2) the Spirit of wisdom, 3) the Spirit of understanding, 4) the Spirit of counsel, 5) the Spirit of power, 6) the spirit of Knowledge, 7) the spirit of the fear of God. (Isaiah 11:2-3)
Revelation 2:1-3:22 gives a list also, different specifics but same thinking. In order of the churches in Revelation, 1) Love/Spirit of the Lord {Ephesus}, 2) Power/Strength to preserve us. {Smyrna}, 3) Marking/Knowledge {Pergamum}, 4) Teaching/Understanding {Thyatira}, 5) Perfection/Counsel {Sardis}, 6) Making known/Wisdom {Philadelphia}, 7) Evangelism/Fear of God {Laodicea}
In Hebrew the center lamp of the menorah is called ner elohim (lamp of God).
All the elements are contained in one lampstand showing a unity of the various elements in one. This shows Y__H is One.
The Trinity. Y__H, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. These three make one. There is One God, Y__H, and we are to worship Him only with everything we are (Deut. 6:4-6). (See Foundation in the chart above.)
Seven represents perfection. There were seven priests who sounded shofars as the Hebrews marched seven times around Jericho (Joshua 6:4). In Acts there are seven men of wisdom appointed to carry out the business of the church. There are seven flames on the Menorah. In Revelation there are seven spirits shown by the seven churches and seven angels, one over each of the seven churches.
There are 72 prophets chosen by God in Numbers, 70 met at the tabernacle and two were in the camp (Numbers 11). In Luke 10 Jesus commissioned 72 disciples to go before Him and prepare the way for the kingdom of God.
Holy Bible (NIV, NKJV)
Our Lost Legacy, John D. Garr Ph.D. Th.D.,
God’s Lamp Man’s Light, John D. Garr Ph.D. Th.D.
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