A thought on Quantum Computers
Romans 14:14 (a) “I am convinced,
being fully persuaded
in the Lord Jesus, that nothing is
unclean in itself.”
A short time ago I was listening to a YouTube video on quantum
computers. Quantum computers are the next step of present-day computers.
Present day computers are based on sequential problem solving. Quantum
computers can solve many problems simultaneously. This means that they can
solve much more complicated problems much faster than sequential computers.
One of the problems that arises is how to keep them safe. Safe from
being hacked and as well as safe for the general population. Since quantum
computers solve problems simultaneously and can communicate with other computers,
they can be very dangerous to people and government well-being. At present,
governments and businesses are investing a lot of money into quantum computers,
both upgrading them, making them commercially feasible, and making and keeping
them safe.
After watching this program, it crossed my mind that we keep
learning new things and that how we use them often devastatingly hurt us. The
things we learn and develop are not sin or the problem (Romans 14:14a) but how
we use them can be sin and very problematic. I feel the reason for this is we
are learning but, having ignored God’s Will, have no real ethical, or moral, or
solid unmovable foundation on which to base how we use what we learn. Just
learning without God guiding is like giving an irrational person a gun and sending
them into a large crowd. A highly dangerous situation for both the crowd and
the irrational person.
As I reflected on this even more, my mind went to Adam and Eve.
They chose worldly knowledge over God led knowledge. They chose to do things
their way, not God’s. An unmistakable product of self-pride. Many people know
the story of Adam and Eve and the fact they sinned and were thrown out of God's
garden. (Actually, their choice to sin showed they wanted to stop communication
with God.) We often see this as the reason for sin in the world. This is true
but does not follow the results through history to the present day. Humankind
continues to follow Adam and Eve’s decision to choose the world’s (Satan)
knowledge over God. Choosing to implement the world’s knowledge over God led
knowledge will continue humankind’s pathway to self-destruction.
We can see this very clearly by looking at the scientific advancements
made in all ages throughout history, and how they have affected the world. One
example is the use of coal to heat houses and run industry. While it certainly
helped industry it also helped destroy the atmosphere. A second example is
putting lead into gasoline to reduce or eliminate engine knocking, It did
eliminate the engine knocking but it also put a great quantity of lead and aerosols
into the air causing much reduced air quality as well as people getting ill
from the effect of the lead. We can also see the same problems with the
development of atomic power. The first thing it was used for was to kill people,
and there is the problem of what to do with the waste which can poison the
ground and groundwater.
Getting back to quantum computers, we see similar issues. We are in
such a hurry to leap ahead without knowing the consequences that, based on
history, we will make the same mistakes. Having such great advancements in
learning, and education, and confusion progress with something new, we will
ignore God and continue just learning how to give the toddler a machine gun.
We continue acting just as Adam and Eve acted. We are putting pride,
intelligence, and ability to learn ahead of letting God lead our learning and
implementation of what we learn. It has the same result as it did for Adam and
Eve. Adam and Eve were thrown out of the garden. We are getting further and
further away from that same Garden and true communication with God. Unless we
change, put our pride in our intelligence second and put God first nothing will
get better. We will continue on the same old path of learning more and more but
following our path of going further and further from God.
Just my thoughts. All comments are appreciated.
Michio Kaku Warns:
"Quantum Computer Just Shut Down After It Revealed This" - YouTube Watched June 30, 2023
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