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Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Five Gifts of Ministry

 Five Gifts of Ministry

Ephesians 4:11


The five gifts of the ministry were given by God for the edification of His church and the edification of believers through Jesus the Christ. These are all gifts of ministry. A quick word of explanation is needed here. The gift of ministry of teacher is not synonymous with Sunday School teacher as we think of it now, although a person with the ministry of teaching may well take on a Sunday School class as a teaching vehicle. The ministry of teaching is there to explain and clarify the deep things of God, His revelation to His people.


If we look at the organization of the ministry we can see how these ministries work together. APOSTLES search out the revelation, the deep things of God and make them known to the church. The revelation given to the apostles through the Holy Spirit. PROPHETS verify the work of the apostles or may testify what they say is not exactly on track. This come via the Holy Spirit. They are a witness to the truth of God’s Word. They may also foretell future events for the church or individual believers. EVANGELISTS take the revelation searched out by the apostles and verified by the prophets to the church in its many places. They are like a shotgun, they spread the Word far and wide. They do not stay long in and area before they must move on and spreads the revelation to other places. Evangelists call sinners to repentance and Christians to action. PASTORS shepherd the local congregation and, usually in their sermons, provide a bit more detail and explanation re. the revelation searched out by the apostles, witnessed to by the prophets and brought to the local congregation by the evangelists. TEACHERS take the revelation searched out by the apostles, witnessed to by the prophets and brought to the local congregation by the evangelists and introduced it some detail by the pastors and elucidate on them. Teachers explain and clarify the Word of God. They help introduce new believers to the things of God and help all believers, regardless of spiritual maturity, grow in knowledge of the Word. Teachers usually work within a local congregation or area, although they may travel from place to place. If they do travel unlike evangelists they tend to stay in an area for an extended period of time.


Part of the reason for the condition of the church in the present time is neglecting all five of the gifts, Most denominations recognize pastor and sometimes teacher. When they recognize teacher at all it often is in the context of a professor in a college or seminary or a lay person teaching a Sunday School class. The gift of ministry of teacher has, with apostle and prophet, been mostly eliminated or ignored. Often they are considered to have gone away with the early church. This is despite the fact the Bible says the gifts and callings of God are without repentance. (Psalm 68:18; Romans 11:29; Eph 4:8; Hebrews 8:3))



Matt 10:2  Acts 2:37  Acts 4:1  Acts 4:33  Acts 5:12  Acts 6:12  Acts 8:14  Acts 11:1  Acts 11:27   Acts 14:3  Acts13:6   Acts 15:1  Acts 16:4  Acts 21:10  Acts 26:22  Romans 16:7  Rom 16:27  1Corin 3:3-5  1 Corin 3:10  1 Corin 9:1  1 Corin 14:29   1 Corin 14:37  2 Corin 11:1  2 Corin 12:12  Eph 2:19  Eph 3:4   Eph 4:11  Colossians 1:25   1 Thess 2:6   2 Timothy 1:6 Titus 1:5  Heb 1:1  James 5:10  1 Peter 1:10   1 John 4:1  Jude 1:17   Rev 10:7  Rev 11:18 Rev 22:6  


Apostle: An apostle is "one chosen and sent with a special commission." This is a person who walks in and out of all the ministry gift functions according to need. Generally these are God’s generals in the body of Christ who function as leaders over other ministry gift leaders in both the local and regional church. Some of the characteristics of an apostle are:

A. Plants churches. (1 Corinthians 9:2; 1 Corinthians 3:6)

B. Oversees a very strong apostolic church that reproduces and sends out other ministry gifts. (See the Jerusalem and Antioch church in the book of Acts.)

C. Oversees a network of other pastors and churches with influence in their region.

D. Oversees a very strong local church with holistic ministries that influence their region.

E. Functions in all the other ministry gifts as the need arises.

F. Has faith for miracles in the areas of finances and kingdom expansion.

G. Has great wisdom from God based on knowing His ways intimately (1 Corinthians 9:1).

H. Regularly moves in the gifts of the Spirit found in 1 Corinthians 12 with a redemptive gift of leadership found in Romans 12.

I. Has thick skin and walks in unconditional love with much patience in affliction (2 Corinthians 11).

J. Often are either great administrators or great managers who are able to oversee large organizations with numerous employees and big budgets.

K. Are great visionary leaders on the cutting edge of what God wants to do to reach their sphere of influence.

L. Because “apostle” doesn’t describe a specific mode of ministry delivery like the other ministry gifts, an apostle usually functions strongly in one or two of the other four ministry gifts depending on which ministry gift they functioned in prior to becoming an apostle. (In my particular case I started off in the ministry as an evangelist/prophet. Those two gifts are the strongest anointing that flow out of me to this day, especially the prophetic.)

·         An apostle is "one chosen and sent with a special commission."

·         The ministry of an apostle includes pioneering new churches,

·         grounding the Church in truth (Colossians 1:25),

·         preserving unity in the Body (1 Corinthians 3:3-5),

·         laying foundations in the Church (1 Corinthians 3:10),

·         setting things in order (Titus 1:5),

·         fostering a vision beyond the local (2 Corinthians 8),

·         fathering new ministries (2 Timothy 1:6)

·         breakthrough-type ministry of miracles (2 Corinthians 12:12).




Num. 11:29  1 Sam 19:19 1 Sam 28:6  1 Kings 18:4  1 Kings 18:19 1 Kings 18:22  2 Kings 2:2  2 Kings 17:12  2 Kings 17:22  2 Kings 23:1  2 Kings 24:2  1 Chr 16:22  2 Chr 24:17  2 Chr 29:25  2 Chr 36:16  Ezra 5:1  Ezra 9:10  Neh 6:14  Neh 9:26  Neh 9:30  Isaiah 9:14  Jer 7:24  Jer 23:30  .Jer 25:4  Jer 26:4  Jer 29:19  Jer 35: 15  Dan 9:9  Hosea 12:9   Matt 1:22   Matt 2:5  Matt 2:14  Matt 2:17  Matt 2:23  Matt 3:3  Matt 5:5  Matt 7:12  Matt 7:15  Matt 8:17  Matt 12:17  Matt 23:33  Matt 24:10  Matt 24:24   Luke 1:69 Luke 24:25  Acts 2:16  Acts 3:18   Acts 3:24  Acts 10:43  Acts 15:32    Acts 28:23  Rom 3:21    Romans 16:25  1 Cor 12:27  Eph 2:19  Eph 3:19   Eph 4:11   Heb 1:1  James 5:10  1 Peter 1:10    2 Peter 1:20  2 Peter 2:1  2 Peter 3:2  1 John 4:1  Rev 10:7  Rev 16:13 Rev. 19:10  Rev 22:6    


 Prophets guide

A prophet is anointed to perceive and speak the mind of Christ to individuals, churches, businesses, countries and or nations. They proclaim a divine message that should never contradict scripture, and should bring Holy Spirit confirmation of truth within the person receiving the word. Just as with every five fold minister, a prophet needs space to learn and make mistakes.

A prophet:

- Imparts supernatural power and gifts for ministry.

- Encourages, guides, corrects and rebukes the body of Christ through biblical teaching and receiving revelation from God.

- Leads in and teaches regarding prayer and intercession.

- Works alongside Apostles to bring balance between vision and direction.

- Is accountable to Jesus Christ and other Five-Fold Ministers in there sphere of influence.

- Prophets and apostles are called to work together, there combined giftings joined together make a formidable team. As Dr Bill Hamon puts it – “They are powerful and effective in their own ministry, but when they join together they are multiplied many times over. One can put a thousand to flight, but when they co-labor together, two can put ten thousand to flight.”


A. With the apostle, serves as a foundation gift for all other ministry gifts and for the body of Christ (Ephesians 2).

B. Is usually endowed with the gift of exhortation. Thus, is usually a great preacher who is also a revelator.

C. What an apostle speaks from principle a prophet prophesies from the heart of God.

D. Is usually a great visionary leader with much insight and foresight.

E. Can see what God is doing in the future regarding the church and culture.

F. Has great insight regarding the true condition of the body of Christ in their region.

G. Regularly moves in the revelatory gifts of prophecy, discerning of spirits, and interpretation of tongues.

H. A true, seasoned New Testament prophet can be a senior pastor, oversee an apostolic network, or serve as an elder in a local church. Thus, it is very hard to tell the difference between a New Testament apostle and prophet.

I. Has a strong sense of right and wrong and often tends to see the world in black and white instead of gray.

J. Often is an introvert who spends a lot of time alone with God, has a deep prayer life, often lives a solitary life without a broad and active social life; would rather be with God than men.


The ministry of the prophet involves being "moved by the Holy Spirit" (2 Peter 1:21) in prophetic utterance, which can be:

  • Predictive (Acts 21:10-11; 11:27-28)
  • Directive (Acts 13:1-3)
  • Corrective (Acts 15:22-23,27,32)

There is such a thing, however, as a false prophet (1 John 4:1), and so God sets clear guidelines:

  • Prophecies should be time-tested (Acts 11:28).
  • The words of a prophet are judged by church leadership (1 Cor.14:29).
  • Any prophecy should be confirmed independently (2 Corinthians 13:1).
  • Any prophecy must line up with Scripture, "the sure word of prophecy" (2 Peter 1:19-21).

The prophet operates best in teamwork with the apostle (eg. Paul and Silas). A prophet is not just someone with a prophetic anointing, but a recognised ministry to the Body at large. Note there are three levels of prophecy: the word of prophecy - limited to "strengthening, encouraging and comfort" (1 Corinthians 14:3,31); the spirit of prophecy on a group (1 Samuel 10:10) and the ministry of the prophet (1 Corinthians 12:28-29). All believers are encouraged to move in words of prophecy, but only a prophet should exercise the authority of predictive, directive and correc22tive prophecy, and even then only within clear protective guidelines.




Matt 28:19  Mark 16:15  Acts 6:3-7  Acts 8:5-40  Acts 21:8   Cor. 4:5  Eph 4:11  1 Thess. 3:2  2 Tim 4:5  

·         Evangelists Gather

·         Evangelists call sinners to repentance and Christians to action.

·         Evangelists have a strong passion to seek and save people from hell, this desire constantly burns within them propelling them to bring the freedom of the gospel wherever they go. They have a magnet type supernatural force that draws non Christians to Christ. They are responsible to train up and equip the body of Christ to evangelize to non-believers.

·         Imparts passion to individuals, Churches and ministries to share the gospel.

·         Supernaturally draws non -believers into a relationship with Jesus Christ bringing them into His church.

·         Imparts power to bring conviction and break the bondages of sin, often followed by signs and wonders.

·         Cleary teaches on the Biblical truths of salvation, Baptism and the Holy Spirit to the body of Christ.

·         Is accountable to Jesus Christ and other Five-Fold Ministers in there sphere of influence.

·         New Testament evangelists regularly move in signs wonders to confirm the Gospel to unbelievers.

·         Is usually a compelling communicator who is able to break down the Gospel into simple stories that produce great faith for salvation, deliverance, healing, and commitment to fulfill the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:19-20.

·         Has a great burden for the lost and for outreach.

·         Has a gathering anointing with great power to influence masses of people.

·         extend the frontiers of God's Kingdom (see the ministry of Philip in Acts 6:3-7; 8:5-40; 21:8). They are co-workers with and extensions of apostolic ministry (2 Timothy 4:5; 1 Thessalonians 3:2).



Gen 48:15  Gen 49:22  Num 27:16   Psalm 28:8  Psalm 78:70  Psalm 80:1  Ecc 12:11  Is 40:11  Is 56:10  Jer 3:14  Jer 10:21  Jer 12:10  Jer 23:1  Eze 34:2  Eze 34:11 Eze 34:31  Micah 5:4  Zech 10:1   


Pastors Shepherd

A pastor is called to protect and guard the body of Christ entrusted to them. They give direction, protection and correction as they lead lives that are often sacrificial in many ways. They will run to the rescue when there is genuine need; encouraging, praying for and bringing comfort to the believers that are in their care.

A Pastor:

- Imparts the heart to nurture and encourage the body of Christ to all believers’.

- Supernaturally draws people to themselves for counsel, support and love.

- Imparts supernatural healing to the emotionally and spiritually wounded.

- Trains and equips others to lead the body of Christ.

- Is accountable to Jesus Christ and other Five-Fold Ministers in there sphere of influence.

4. Pastor:

A. Has a nurturing anointing to care for the sheep.

B. Is more concerned with in-reach than outreach.

C. Is more concerned with relational activities than evangelistic activities.

D. Is more concerned with quality than quantity.

E. Loves being with people.

F. Motivated by love more than numbers.

G. Has a burden to counsel, console, and comfort.


The Greek word for pastor poimen means "one to tends sheep or cares for flocks" (read 1 Peter 5:1-4; John 21:15-17). But this word is used only in Ephesians 4:11. Elsewhere in the New Testament, other words are used: "shepherd", "elder" and "overseer". This is significant, so a comparison of these ministries should be made.



Ezra 7:6    Ezra 7:11  Ezra 7:21  Neh 8:13  Job 36:22 Psalm 119:99  Prov 5:12    Ecc 12:9  

Teachers ground

A teacher is called to ground the church body in biblical truth. They truly enjoy the task of breaking down difficult chunks of scripture and doctrine and presenting them to the body through either spoken or written word. Teachers love the word of God and train others to read, understand and apply biblical truth. They often study to obtain more knowledge and insight to pass onto the body of Christ.

A Teacher:

- Encourages understanding and the ability to divide truth from error or deception to the body of Christ.

- Supernaturally brings Gods truth to Christians through speech, written word and lifestyle.

- Encourages grounding in regular Biblical discovery and study to the body of Christ.

- Trains and equips others to lead the body of Christ.

- Is accountable to Jesus Christ and other Five-Fold Ministers.

There are certain things we must remember about spiritual gifts and also the five fold ministers that are gifted to the church. Gifts or calling do not equate to maturity.

Fivefold ministers are servants, Matthew 20:25 “whoever wants to be great must be a servant of all”. Jesus is the greatest servant of all, he gave his very life for those he loves. A calling on a minister’s life (e’g five fold minister) is one aspect of their ministry for the Lord, their character is the second aspect. How much their character has been matured directly relates to the level of authority that the Lord commissions them to have.

I Timothy 3:1-7 gives the qualifications of an overseer and all fivefold ministers have to have been proven in these areas before the Lord will release them into the fullness of their call. Every Christian needs to be accountable to those that are called to look after and equip them, including five fold ministers.

5. Teacher:

A. Has a didactic, systematic mind and approach to everything.

B. Often is a details person who is good with administration.

C. Often is an introvert.

D. Has a deep yearning to study the word of God.

E. Usually teaches series of messages on Sundays instead of disconnected motivational messages.

F. Sunday messages are usually very practical and informational.

G. Can teach with great authority and anointing without having to yell.

H. Has a great desire to disciple members in the church, often with some sort of formal approach to teaching such as setting up a Bible school or classes.


The Teacher

A teacher is not just someone who teaches (we are all encouraged to teach - Colossians 3:16), but is a ministry who brings instruction to the Body at large (note the "watering" ministry of Apollos in Acts 18:24-28; 1 Corinthians 3:2-10).

Only when the ministries of Ephesians 4:11 begin functioning as God intended - both as individual ministries and as apostolic teams - will the purpose of their joint ministry be fulfilled:

"...until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ" Ephesians 4:13.


Ministry Gifts in Ephesians 4:11


Natural Manifestation


Doctrine and Discipline

Enjoys building things: projects, businesses, etc.


Discern and Proclaim God's Word.

Has a keen (sometimes problematic) sense of Justice.


Present the Gospel of Christ to the lost.

Enjoys direct contact with people. Most are successful salesmen.


To care for the everyday needs of the church family

Enjoys serving. Loves to have people come to their home.


Instruct the Church in the practical application of God's Word.

Is able to explain complex issues in a way that even a child can understand.




"...God's household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone" Ephesians 2:19-20.

The foundation of the Church is the apostle and the prophet (note Ephesians 3:4-5). Ephesians 4:12-13 indicates that these two ministries still continue in that foundational role, so it is vital for us to understand how each of these ministries work.Five Gifts of Ministry

Ephesians 4:11


w each of these ministries work. 

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