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Friday, February 14, 2025

Thoughts on Logic

 Thoughts on Logic


Jews use block logic

Greeks use step logic

Since God created all things God created both kinds of logic.

Therefore block logic and steps logic are not mutually exclusive.

Block logic and step logic are two sides of the same coin.

Example: the Bible says Pharoah hardened his heart and the Bible said God hardened his heart. Which is it, did Pharoah harden his heart or did God. The answer is both are correct. Pharoah hardened his own heart and therefore prepared it for God to harden it either further.

Another example: We are saved by grace but must also have works. If we are saved by grace why are works needed. The answer is we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus the Christ but, if we have faith in Christ and are saved by grace alone we will want to do the works because we have the love of Christ in us and cannot help but do works of love, as did Christ.

There is no dichotomy between step and block logic, God uses both as appropriate.

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